Friday, July 15, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - July 16, 2011

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Featured on Radio Sai:
How to make sure our spiritual endeavours lead us to the ultimate goal? What are the indispensable qualities of a spiritual aspirant. Bhagawan enlightens us today.

Audio Special: Talking Book - My Baba and I - John Hislop. Part 14

Click here to Listen Now


H2H Article:
'Dare to be different'

Click here to Read Now


In the spiritual path, there are six steps: Sama, Dama, Titiksha, Uparathi, Shraddha and Samadhana. Sama, Dama and Uparathi are the steps involving control of senses and withdrawal of the mind from the external world. Titiksha is being equanimous in gain and loss, pain and pleasure, praise and censure. Shraddha or faith is very essential in spiritual life; it is impossible to attain illumination without this virtue. Therefore whatever work you undertake, do it with diligence and faith. The sixth step Samadhana refers to contentment. He who has the least desires is the richest man in the world and the one filled with desires is the poorest. This contentment or self-satisfaction comes from selflf-confidence. Self-satisfaction ca n lead one to selff-sacrifice and finally to Self-realization.

- Divine Discourse, July 7, 1985

Fortitude endows man with self-confidence. Self-confidence generates an immense internal power. - Baba



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