Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - July 04, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam and greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam.

Where can we find genuine examples of divine qualities in this world? Swami shows this to us today.

Featured on Radio Sai:
"Talk by Mrs. Nirmala Shekhar 
during the Summer Course held for the
 students of SSSIHL
at Prasanthi Nilayam in June 2011

Click here to listen now.

Have you read the
new article
"Sai Shines in Us and Through Us"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - July 04, 2011


The entire world is like a university, teaching us constantly. When we do business, there is something to learn. Even when we cultivate land, there is something to learn. Without any difference of caste or creed, title or status, the tree shares its fruits with all and proclaims the equality of everyone. The mountains teach us that we should not have excessive attachment to our body by showing us how patiently they can stand in rain, sun and cold. When someone dies, we learn that the world is not permanent; family is only an illusion. It reminds us that we have no right to keep on saying that this belongs to me or that belongs to you. To understand God, His creation is the best school. Everywhere there is something for us to learn.

- Divine Discourse, Summer Showers, 1978, Chapter 8.

The first task of teachers is the cultivation of virtue in the hearts of pupils. – Baba



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