Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - July 13, 2011

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Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam and greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam.

Why is it extremely important to have a Guru in oour lives? What is the signifance behind celebrating Guru Poornima? Bhagawan ellucidates today.

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Sai Inspires - July 13, 2011

Guru Poornima is dedicated for thanksgiving to the Guru; for the Moon (the presiding deity of the mind) on this day is full, clear, cool and bright! It has no blemish or dullness which diminishes its glow. The Guru too is pictured and extolled on this day as unblemished, resplendent and affectionate. He is replete with a sense of surrender to God. He is tolerant, devoted and truly peaceful. He is the living example of the virtues he desires us to develop. Infact He reveals the atma (the Spirit within) to the individuals and makes them free. Guru Poornima is dedicated to such divine Gurus. In fact, the God within is the Guru of Gurus. His grace can make the blind see, the lame walk and the dumb speak. By a mere touch, He can destroy the sins of the past and grant peace and joy. For this, faith has to strike deep roots in our minds; but again t o keep us fixed in that belief, a Guru is needed.

- Divine Discourse, July 27, 1980.


If you earn the grace of the Divine, even mountains of sin can be reduced to dust. - BABA



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