Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - January 23, 2012

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23 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why is it should one identify and, more importantly, scrupulously practice one’s Dharma? Bhagawan explains to us today.  

Audio Special:
"Satsangh with a Techie
Part 3

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Healing Touch: Three
Seconds Flat!

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sathya sai baba

A crocodile's strength depends on it being in water; the strength of Dharma (Right Conduct) depends on it being practised. Dharma will be weak when it is taken out of practice and thrown on the sands of words. Sathya is a matter of speech and it gets strength when it is consistently practised. The term ‘Strength’ here has two meanings: Animal (Asuric) strength and Dharmic strength. In the epic Mahabharatha, Bhima (the second of the five Pandava brothers) had physical strength, but as his elder brother Dharmaja was by his side, Bhima's strength became Dharmic. The Pandavas were saved by their adherence to Dharma! But for their right conduct, they would have suffered defeat right in the very beginning. And why did the Kauravas (the hundred brothers whom the Pandavas fought aga inst) lose in spite of their undoubted strength? They lacked Dharmic strength. All that they could rely on was sheer animal strength.

- Geetha Vahini, Ch 7.

Dharma always protects the one who practices it. - Baba



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