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| 6 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: | | Why do we see even enlightened Masters constantly involved in apparently worldly activities? Bhagawan mercifully explains to us today. | | Audio Special: "Tales that transform direct from the Divine - Obedience" Click Here to Listen Now | | H2H Special: "Video Presentation: Programme by Alumni of SSS Primary School" Click Here to Watch Now | | | |
| Does the airplane stay on above, denouncing the earth below? Those who have earned the right to travel in it cannot fly towards it! Therefore, to take them in, it has to come down at the places where they gather by previous arrangement, and then soar into the sky with them. So too, the spiritually evolved (Jnanis) who have no desire or urge to do Karma, come down and help those who would not make progress otherwise. The right way to perform action is to identify every aspect of the universe with the Universal Being and dedicate all acts unto Him. Always remember that one who is bound by the Deha-atma buddhi (the false idea that he is just this body and nothing more) can never win the game of life; one must acquire the Brahma-Atma-Buddhi (the awareness that he is Divine) to be sure of victory. -Geetha Vahini, Ch 6. | | |
Culture means giving up one's bad conduct, bad deeds and cultivating good thinking as well as fostering good sentiments that lead to good actions. - Baba |
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