Monday, September 03, 2007

Sai Inspires - 4th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam and greetings on the occasion of Krishna Janmastami, the day celebrating the advent of Lord Krishna.

What was the message of the lord in His Krishna Avatar? Swami reminds us today.

Did you read the article
"Sai Krishna - The Enigmatic Enchanter."

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Sai Inspires - 4th September 2007

God's love is pure and simple. His greatest gift is His love...Do not calculate what you have offered to God in terms of money or otherwise. Whatever you offer, consider only the feeling with which you offered it. Even a small tulasi leaf offered with love becomes a great offering to the Lord. Offer anything with a full and loving heart. By offering with love, you become the embodiment of love...Identify yourself with the name and form of the Divine of your choice. You may carry on all your normal daily duties, but keep in mind always the name of the Lord. That is the injunction of Lord Krishna.

- Divine Discourse, August 25, 1997.

Only Divine Love is immutable and permanent. - Baba
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