Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sai Inspires - 28th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

How can we, as a society, progress in the right direction? Swami guides us today.

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Sai Inspires - 28th September 2007

Society may be viewed as a many-petalled flower. Every individual is like a petal. All the petals together make for the beauty of the flower. Without the petals there will be no flower. Likewise, every individual is a petal making up the flower of society. Each one should manifest the glory of the Divine. Society may also be compared to a four-wheeled chariot. The four wheels are: Aikamathyam (Unity), Swaadhenam (Control), Jnanam (Knowledge) and Sakhti (Power). These four help the society to go forward.

- Divine Discourse, September 26, 1987.

Education is meant not to satisfy the senses but
to make one transcend the senses and set an ideal to society. - Baba
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