Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sai Inspires - 21st September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What are the primary requisites that we must possess before we embark on any act of service? Swami guides us today.

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Sai Inspires - 21st September 2007

Before embarking on a service project one must introspect and examine his equipment for the Sadhana (spiritual activity) whether his heart is full of selfless love, humility and compassion; whether his head is full of intelligent understanding and knowledge of the problem and its solution; whether his hands are eager to offer the healing touch; and whether he can gladly spare and share time, energy and skill to help others in dire need. The candidate for this Sadhana has to avoid Ahamkara (egotism), Adambara (exhibitionism) and Abhimana (favouritism).

- Divine Discourse, November 21, 1986.

Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray - Baba
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