Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sai Inspires - 1st October 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What are the two most essential tenets for finding fulfilment in life? Swami tells us today.

The October issue
of Heart2Heart is up!

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Sai Inspires - 1st October 2007

For achieving anything in life, two things are essential: firm faith and pure love. People should not think that pleasure and pain are caused by some external forces. It is not so. They are the result of one's own thoughts. There is no meaning in blaming others. If you develop love of God, that love will banish all sorrow and evil tendencies like attachment, anger and envy.

- Divine Discourse, June 20, 1996.


Love knows no fear, no untruth, no anxiety, no grief. - Baba
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sai Inspires - 30th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What is the true nature of divinity? Swami explains today.

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"Elevating Ecstasy...

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Sai Inspires - 30th September 2007

The sandalwood tree without any feeling of bitterness, imparts its fragrance even to the axe that fells it. Divinity responds in the same manner. Some persons, blinded by their ignorance, arrogance and folly, may say all sorts of things about God. They may even imagine thereby that they have assailed God. But God remains totally unaffected. Even to such bad and evil-minded persons, He offers His blessings and benediction.

- Divine Discourse, June 18, 1989.

Love is the very nature of life, as burning is the nature of fire,
or wetness of water, or sweetness of sugar. - Baba
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Friday, September 28, 2007

Sai Inspires - 29th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What is the true meaning of non-violence? Swami enlightens us today.

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"Sound is Sacred

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Sai Inspires - 29th September 2007

Ahimsa (Non-violence) does not mean, as is commonly understood, not causing harm to others. It really means that one should not cause harm to anyone in thought, word or deed. This is the most important human quality. Only when this has been developed, will one be qualified to practice and experience Truth. Truth does not mean merely telling the facts as one sees or knows them. Truth is that which does not change with time. It must be spoken with complete purity of mind, speech and body.

- Divine Discourse, September 26, 1987.

A heart saturated with love of God can never entertain thoughts of violence. - Baba
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sai Inspires - 28th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

How can we, as a society, progress in the right direction? Swami guides us today.

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"Gita For Children

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Sai Inspires - 28th September 2007

Society may be viewed as a many-petalled flower. Every individual is like a petal. All the petals together make for the beauty of the flower. Without the petals there will be no flower. Likewise, every individual is a petal making up the flower of society. Each one should manifest the glory of the Divine. Society may also be compared to a four-wheeled chariot. The four wheels are: Aikamathyam (Unity), Swaadhenam (Control), Jnanam (Knowledge) and Sakhti (Power). These four help the society to go forward.

- Divine Discourse, September 26, 1987.

Education is meant not to satisfy the senses but
to make one transcend the senses and set an ideal to society. - Baba
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sai Inspires - 27th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What is the Truth about our everyday existence that we must realise? Swami enlightens us today.

Did you read the cover story
"Prema Jyothi - A celebration
of Pure Love

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Sai Inspires - 27th September 2007

Many people imagine that they are caught up in the coils of Samsaara (worldly life) and are the victims of worldly existence. This is a ridiculous idea. It is not family life that binds you. It has no arms to clasp you. It is you who are endowed with hands, eyes and ears. It is you who are holding on to worldly life and suffering the consequences. This is the truth in the false and the unreality in the Real. This accounts for the fact that in the world today the false is deemed true and the truth is considered as untrue.

- Divine Discourse, December 18, 1994.

Realise that true happiness is union with God. - Baba
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sai Inspires - 26th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami, today, tells us about the single most important virtue that can ensure perennial peace for us.

Did you read the article
"Seeking Bliss - Uninterrupted
and Unlimited"?

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Sai Inspires - 26th September 2007

All must cultivate the spirit of equal-mindedness. This is the mark of a true human being. It is the spirit of serenity in which one looks upon praise or blame, honour or dishonour, pleasure or pain alike. We tend to shrivel up when somebody abuses us. The whole world looks gloomy. We swell with pride when anybody praises us. What we should cultivate is an attitude in which we remain unaffected in both the situations. Shanthi (mental tranquility) is necessary for experiencing the truth of the Self. There is no greater thing on earth than peace of mind. Every effort must be made to acquire Shanthi.

- Divine Discourse, May 26, 1985.

Peace is the best treasure, without which power,
authority, fame, fortune are all dry and burdensome. - Baba
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Monday, September 24, 2007

Sai Inspires - 25th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

How can we effectively enhance the good traits in us? Swami gives us a solution today.

Did you read the article
"He is My Swami - Conversation with Mrs. Padma Kasturi - 5"?

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Sai Inspires - 25th September 2007

Whatever qualities a man may possess, he cannot make proper use of them if he lacks company of good people. Through the Satsangam (company of good persons) one can develop good qualites, good thoughts, good feelings and do good deeds, and thereby transform his human nature into Divine nature. This, in fact, is the primary duty of every individual. To develop good qualities, one has to get rid of one's bad traits.

- Divine Discourse, May 26, 1985.

Everything becomes truth in the company of God. - Baba
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sai Inspires - 24th September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin has been updated till 23 September.

How can we experience perennial peace and bliss with the love that is present in our hearts? Swami enlightens us today.

Did you read the article
"Love Shines Through"?

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Sai Inspires - 24th September 2007

Nectar is described by the scriptures as extremely sweet. But nectar nowhere approaches the sweetness of love. As against love, nectar appears insipid. The uniqueness of such love is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Such love arises only when you churn the ocean of bliss. Hence, all our actions should be based on Love. But in this mundane world, love assumes external forms. When pure gold is given to the goldsmith for making a jewel, he mixes copper and other metals with it and thereby its value is reduced. Likewise, because pure love is mixed with worldly attachments, it gets tainted. But when such tainted love is directed towards seva (service) it gets purified.

- Divine Discourse, November 24, 1990.

The price to be paid for enduring happiness is Divine Love. - Baba
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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sai Inspires - 23rd September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Scroll Down to read our Sunday Special:
"The Secret toGreatness"

What should we be careful about while engaged in service? Swami guides us today.

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of the current issue?

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Sai Inspires - 23rd September 2007

Indulging in flimsy gossip and watching scenes of violence and cruelty, men today are wasting and missing a big portion of their precious lives. Time is condemned, because it is too little, or because it runs too fast to fulfill galloping greed. Men are not aware that time sanctified by service offers high rewards to themselves as well as those whom they serve. All acts of service are not equally sanctifying or uniform in the benefits they confer. When service is undertaken by power-hungry people, or under compulsion or by imitative urges, it results in more harm than good. Self-aggrandizement or competition or ostentation are motives that will pollute the sacred Sadhana of Service.

- Divine Discourse, November 21, 1986.

The highest sadhana is to transform love into service. - Baba
The Secret to Greatness

Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prashanti Nilayam. For this Sunday, we have the transcript of a talk delivered a few days ago by a student of second year under graduate class, Mr. Dinesh Majeti, in the morning prayer session of Bhagavan's college in Prasanthi Nilayam.

Trust Him to hear you when you call,
To raise you when you fall,
Trust Him to bless you day by day,
And lead you all the way,
Trust Him to bear your every care,
Your joys and grief�s to share,
Trust Him your daily needs to know,
Because He loves you so.

How does a child know that a person is its mother? Yes, it�s due to faith. The entire human life is based on faith. No one can subsist for even a single moment without faith. Here is a small example. A man lays the foundation stone for a house today. If he does not have the confidence that by next year this house will be ready and that he would live till next year, will he seek to build the house at all? Another example. One gets up in the morning, takes a bag to go the market to buy vegetables. Without the belief that he will return home after buying vegetables from the market, will he leave the house at all? We give costly clothes to the washer man with the faith that he will return them washed and ironed. From the time of waking up till going to sleep, everything a man does, every moment is based on faith.

For a little chutney in your plate
A big thank you, aloud you state;
Yet, for gifts from God that come
You tend often to remain dumb.

You trust the barber with a knife
Held at your throat in real life;
You trust the driver of your car
As if he is a guiding star.

You trust the family cook a lot,
For what he prepares in the pot;
You trust the watchman whom you keep,
For your safety when you�re asleep.

Yet, God to trust, you find it hard,
Though He is your true Friend and Guard;
It�s time to change your attitude
And show God more gratitude.

But, unfortunately man today lacks faith in the existence of God. Swami Himself has said, �The Divine can only be grasped through love, faith and sadhana surcharged with Universal Love. Reason is too feeble an instrument to measure it. Denial of the Divine cannot negate it. Logic cannot reveal it. All the tirades now are being made on the Divine by atheists who are opportunists. So your duty is to preserve equanimity. Do not waver.�

Not only should one have faith that God exists, but also have faith in God. One may ask, �Why should I have faith? What benefits do I get by having it? �The other day (August 22, 2007) when Swami lovingly called us for morning Darshan, He said, �One with faith will face no failures in life. With total faith in God, you will be successful in every endeavour of yours.� Faith helps even in our academics. Once Swami said, �Lack of self- confidence is the reason for students not doing well in studies. Students say, �I study, but I do not remember my lessons.� One without self-confidence lacks memory power. With self-confidence comes memory power. Faith in yourself and faith in god � this is the secret to greatness.�

Faith has immense power. It can even compel the Lord to manifest Himself before you and give you what you believe He will give you.� The power of faith is also illustrated in the life of Christ. Once a blind man approached Jesus and prayed, �Lord, restore my sight.� Jesus asked him, �Do you believe that I can restore your sight?� The blind man replied unhesitating, �Yes, Lord�. �If that is so then open your eyes and see.� The blind man opened his eyes and got his sight. Swami says, �Likewise people pray to Swami for something or the other. Do you believe that I have the power to give you what you seek? My response is dependent on you faith.� When we feel that we are completely dependent on Sai, He looks after us and saves us from harm and injury.

But unfortunately, man today lacks faith. He rests his faith in all the trivial things in the world but finds it difficult to believe in God. He feels that God does not understand our problems and does not respond to us. Once, a man was climbing a snow-clad mountain. It became night. Suddenly, the man slipped and fell. He found himself hanging by the rope which he tied to his waist. It was cold. It was dark. It was freezing. The man became desperate and cried to God, �God, please save me.� Then God replied, �I�ll help you under one condition. Cut the rope.� The man was shocked. He could not believe in God. He did not pay heed to God. The next morning, the newspaper headline read, �Man frozen to death hanging by a rope, just two feet above the ground.� That is why it is said, �A man without faith is half-blind�. That is the problem with most of us. We do not listen to Him. We do not trust Him.

When our troubles increase, we feel that there is nobody by our side. Once a man dreamt that he was walking along a sea-shore. As he was walking, various incidents from his life were flashing in the sky. The man noticed two sets of footprints in the sand - one his and the other - God�s. He felt assured and very happy. At times he saw only one pair of footprints, heavily embedded in the sand, and this was during his difficult times. He felt totally disturbed at this, and cried, �How could you abandon me Lord, when I needed you most? You promised me that You would be there beside me always. In my most trying times, you abandoned me.� Then, the Lord replied, �Child. Where you see a single set of footprints, they are Mine. I was carrying you in My hands.�

Swami says, �Never think: how is this going to end? What is going to happen? If you give into this temptation, you demonstrate that you do not trust Me. Do you want Me to take care of it � yes or no? Then you must stop being anxious about it. I shall guide you only if you completely surrender to Me and, when I must lead you in a path quite different than the one you expect, I shall carry you in My arms.� The trouble with most of us is that we think we know what is best (or good) for us. We cannot accept the fact that there is someone (GOD) who knows much more than us and does what is best for us. Swami says, �You pray to Me when in pain so that I�ll intervene, but in the way you desire it. You do not rely on me but want me to adjust to your request. Do not be like sick ones who ask the doctor to treat, all the time suggesting the treatment to him. Do not do that, but rather even in sad circumstances say, �You very well know what is best for me.�� We feel that God does not understand us and gives us something quite contrary to the one which we ask for. We feel that God is cruel to us. We feel that, instead of diminishing our problems, He increases them.

I asked for strength so that I may achieve I was made weak so that I might humbly obey I asked for health To do great things I was given infirmity So that I might do better things I asked for riches So that I may be happy I got poverty So that I may be wise I asked for power So that I might feel the praise of men I received weakness So that I might feel the need of God. I got nothing I asked for But everything I hoped for Almost despair myself My unspoken prayers were answered I am among all men The most richly blessed.

Even Jesus said that when a son asks for bread, his father will not give him stone. When the earthy father himself does not do so, will not the Heavenly Father give you much more than you need (require/ ask for)? So the next time we encounter a problem let�s not say, �O God! I have a big problem.� Instead let�s say, �O problem! I have a big God!�

Where there is faith, there is love,
Where there is love, there is peace,
Where there is peace, there is truth,
Where there is truth, there is bliss,
Where there is bliss, there is GOD.

Faith is faithful. Faith knows no fear, no friction, no frustration, no failure. Once Swami wrote in a letter to his students, � Be like a star that never wavers from the crescent but is fixed in steady faith. When the sun is above your head , there will be no shadows. Similarly, when faith is steady in your heart, it should not cast no shadow of doubt.� Swami also said, �Do not lose faith by seeing people who go astray. It is like judging rain water by seeing the water in the stagnant pond.� The Lord of the Universe has come down in human form and says, �Why fear when I am here?�and we do not listen to Him. If we love Him, then we should follow what He says. So let us try to strengthen our faith in God. When someone asked George Bernard Shaw, �How to change the world?� He replied,� If you want to change the world, change yourself first.�

Let us not walk behind Him (Swami) because we might not be able to catch up with Him. Let us not walk ahead of Him because He is not obliged to follow us. Let us walk with Him, holding His hand as a friend.

Somebody loves you more than you know,
Someone goes with you wherever you go,
Someone really and truly cares,
And lovingly listens to all our prayers.
Don�t doubt for a moment that this is not true,
For Sai loves His children and cares for them too,
And His treasures are yours to share,
If you love Him truly and show Him that you care.

Jai Sai Ram.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Sai Inspires - 22nd September 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin has been updated till 20 September.

What is the love principle and its true nature? Swami tells us today.

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Sai Inspires - 22nd September 2007

The Trinity is symbolically present in everyone. The heart has been equated with Easwara (Shiva). This means that the heart symbolizes the Atmic principle in man. This refers not to physical heart but to the spiritual heart. The heart represents Divinity as well as the Love principle. The Atma is unbounded and hence Love also has no limit. Men in their narrow-mindedness may set limits to their love, but love as a Divine quality is infinite.

- Divine Discourse, December 25, 1987.

Spirit of love is spirituality. - Baba
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