Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sai Inspires - 3rd June 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

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Sai Inspires - 3rd June 2007

In the journey to the Divine, man has to reduce progressively his desires, which are the cause of all his difficulties. It is true that man cannot exist without desires. But, they should be within reasonable limits. There can be no happiness without control of desires. Among the senses, two are most important: the eyes and the tongue. Because of their exceptional importance, the Lord has provided them with the means of restraining their activities. The Lord points out: "You silly man! Take note that I have provided natural means for closing the eyes and the mouth." If you do not want to see anything undesirable, you can close your eyes with the eyelids. The ears and the nose have no such devices for closing them. The mouth has lips which can seal the tongue... When you control your eyes and tongue, you can easily control all other senses.

- Divine Discourse, March 13, 1988.

Master the mind, be a mastermind. - Baba
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