Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Sai Inspires - 20th June 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

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Sai Inspires - 20th June 2007


To gain control over unsteadiness, meditation is of great help. It is not enough if one sense is conquered; all should be mastered, from all sides. Of course, this is a very hard task; you might feel like giving up the entire struggle. But never lose heart. Be patient and persevering, and final success will be yours. Only, you should not, like some spiritual aspirants, stray from the path of discipline as soon as you feel you are not succeeding as much as you hoped. That is not the road to victory. Persevere, be patient, and earn victory in the end.

- Dhyana Vahini

The God-centred person has three qualities: Purity, Perseverance and Patience. - Baba
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