Friday, April 28, 2006

Sai Inspires - 28th April 2006 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team. 

What should we relate to God and how should we pray? Swami tells us today.

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Sai Inspires - 28th April 2006

You may complain that God is heartless, and does not respond to your prayers, give signs from His pictures, or speak from ‘nowhere’ in clear, unambiguous terms, to assuage, assure and advise. But let Me tell you, God is Love; Love is God. When even a stony cliff echoes your voice and responds when you cry, will not the sweetest, love-filled heart of God respond? When there is no response, infer that there was something wanting in the cry. Perhaps it was hollow, insincere, mere play-acting, set to a pattern, or addressed to a Being seen as separate from oneself – a Being seen as distant, a tyrant or taskmaster. Know that God is the One who is nearest and dearest to you, as dear and near as your own heart. Know this, when you pray to Him, and His answers will be vouchsafed immediately.

- Divine Discourse, 18th Oct 1969.

Prayer must come from the depths of feeling; the Lord looks for bhava (sincerity of feeling),
not bahya (outward pomp). - Baba
With Love and Regards,
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