Monday, April 24, 2006

Sai Inspires - 24th April 2006 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team. 

Swami today tells us about the purpose of human life.

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Sai Inspires - 24th April 2006

The root cause of pain and pleasure, love and hate, and materialistic desires are the temptations of the mind. ‘This is mine; that is thine.’ These dualistic feelings are the sole reasons for the dsires and temptations of the mind, and the reason for this dualism is selfishness...When one only thinks of one’s own body, one’s own family, one’s own wealth and one’s own comfort, one is being a very selfish person. It is necessary to recognise that human life is meant to be spent in selfless service, and in the service of the Self. Nor is such a life of service meant for gaining name or fame, for furthering of one’s own ends, or for expanding one’s ego. Service that is done for selfish gain is no service at all.

- Divine Discourse, 21st Nov 1988.

Service should be rendered to those who are worse off than ourselves and who are neglected by the world. - Baba
With Love and Regards,
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