Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sai Inspires - 19th April 2006 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team. 
How to guide and control our emotions? Swami tells us today.

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Sai Inspires - 19th April 2006

Worship is just a means of educating the emotions. Human impulses and emotions have to be guided and controlled. Just as the raging waters of a river have to be curbed by bunds, halted by dams, tamed by canals, and led quietly to the ocean which can swallow all floods without a trace, so too the age-long instincts of people have to be trained and transmuted by contact with higher ideals and powers. When the fruit is ripe, it will fall off the branch of its own accord. Similarly, when equanimity saturates your heart, you lose contact with the world and slip into the lap of the Lord.

- Divine Discourse, 26th Oct 1961.

The true man is one who believes in equanimity in both pain and pleasure. - Baba.
With Love and Regards,
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