At times, it appears that we do not get enough grace from the Lord. Why is it so? What should we do to attract His grace? Bhagawan lovingly explains with an example.
Audio Special: 'Talk during the All India Women’s Conference at Prasanthi Nilayam - 24 Sep 2016'
Hypocrisy is rampant now in the spiritual field more than ever before. There is iron and magnet. The magnet will draw the iron to itself; that is the destiny of both. But, if the iron is covered with rust, the grace of the magnet may not operate strong enough to draw the iron near. Greed for sensual pleasure will certainly act as rust! It acts as dust, which induces rust; the rust will ultimately ruin the iron itself and change its innate nature. So, the iron must be tested constantly and dusted. Then, when it contacts the magnet, it too earns the magnetic quality and achieves its quest. That achievement is the best for both magnet and iron. The dust of sensual greed can be prevented by keeping good company, and putting into practice the axioms of good conduct that one learns from it!
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