Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - January 01, 2018

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
01 Jan 2018
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is one new year strategy that we must earnestly consider and prioritise? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a tip with a memorable practical illustration today.  

Audio Special:
'Children's Hour
- New Year Special'

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H2H Special:
'Can a New Year Bring True Happiness? - Prof. G Venkataraman'

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Team Radio Sai Wishes all Our Readers and Listeners a New Year Filled with True Happiness and Peace
[Download Radio Sai's January 2018 Calendar]
Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Programme by present and former students of the
Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions at around 8:20 a.m. and 5 p.m. (IST)
on our website,
Sathya Sai Baba

Everyone is eager to be happy; everyone wants to work less and gain more, give little and get amply, but no one experiments the other route, that is, desire less and give more. Every ‘want’ is a shackle that hinders ‘progress’. A young college student can roam free on two legs; when they marry, they become four-footed! A child makes them six-footed; the range of their movements become restricted. More the feet, less the speed; a centipede can only crawl! Accumulation of sofas and chairs, cots and tables clutter the hall and render movements slow and risky. Reduce wants, and live simply, that is the way to happiness. Attachment brings sorrow in its wake! At last, when death demands that everything and everyone be left behind, you are overpowered with grief! Be like the lotus on water – on it, not in it. Water is necessary for the lotus to grow, but it will not allow even a drop to wet it!

- Divine Discourse, May 15, 1969. 

Control your desires. Don’t waste money, don’t waste time, 
don’t waste food, and don’t waste energy. - Baba


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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 31, 2017

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
31 Dec 2017
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the easiest way to cleanse our hearts and receive Grace? Bhagawan gives us a precious pearl in His own sweet words today.  

Audio Special:
'Talks during the Summer course
in Indian Culture and Spirituality
held in June 2017'

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H2H Special:
'New Year Letters from the Past,
for the Present and Forever'

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Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Drama by Alumni of the Sri Sathya Sai Primary and Higher Secondary School at around 5 p.m. (IST), Today on our website,
Sathya Sai Baba

Love for God can grow only in a well-ploughed heart, free from weeds. So prepare your heart through Namasmarana (constant recital of the divine name). This is called Chitta shuddhi yoga - The path of Consciousness-cleansing. Charge every second of time with the Divine current that emanates from the name. Have the name of the Lord always on your tongue and in your breath, ever. That will evoke His form, as the inner core of everything, every thought and turn of events. That will provide you with His company, and contact with His unfailing energy and bliss. That is the Satsanga (good association) that gives you maximum benefit. Converse with God who is in you, and derive courage and consolation from Him. He is the Guru most interested in your progress. Do not seek the Guru outside you, in hermitages or holy places. The God in you is father, mother, preceptor, and friend. God is Love; live in Love - that is the direction indicated by the sages. 

– Divine Discourse, Mar 01, 1968.

Fill your heart with the light of love so that the evil qualities of hate, 
greed and conceit find no place therein. - Baba



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Friday, December 29, 2017

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 30, 2017

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
30 Dec 2017
Featured on Radio Sai:
What should we earnestly yearn for? Bhagawan lovingly explains and teaches us a simple technique to pursue it too.  

Audio Special:
'Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam - Episode 118 - clips from 1991 Summer Course Discourses'

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H2H Special:
'Sathya To Sai - A Sai Katha on Swami’s Early Life - Part 23 - Ground-breaking and the Foundation'

Watch Now


Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Music Program by Alumni of the Music College
at around 5 p.m. (IST), Today on our website,
Sathya Sai Baba

Make a list of all the things for which you have cried so far. You will find that you have craved only for paltry things, for momentary distinctions, and for fleeting fame. From now on, you should cry only for God, for your own cleansing and consummation. You should weep, wailing for the six cobras that have sheltered themselves in your mind, poisoning it with their venom - Lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and malice. Quieten them as the snake charmer does with his swaying flute. The music that can tame them is the singing aloud of the name of God. And when they are too intoxicated to move and harm, catch them by the neck and pull out their fangs as the charmer does. Thereafter they can be your playthings; you can handle them as you please. When these are laid low, you will gain equanimity. You will be unaffected by honour or dishonour, profit or loss, joy or grief!

– Divine Discourse, Mar 26, 1968.

Through prayer and contemplation on God, you should try to control the evil qualities in you. - Baba



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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 29, 2017

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
29 Dec 2017
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why is it important to always speak softly and sweetly? Bhagawan lovingly guides us through a memorable example.  

Audio Special:
'Reflections on Ati Rudra 
Maha Yagnam - episode aired 
on 26 Feb 2015'

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H2H Special:
'How My Heart was 
Humbled and Healed By Him - 
By Mr P V Krishna Mohan'

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Do you like the voice of a crow? You drive the crow away when it starts to ‘caw’! Its voice is harsh and too loud! On the other hand, the cuckoo looks just like the crow, but everyone likes to hear its sweet voice, isn’t it? God blessed you with a tongue to express your thoughts, ideas, feelings, desires, prayers, joys and sorrows. If you are angry, you use it to speak out harsh words in a loud tone. When you are happy, you use it to speak soft words in a low and pleasant voice. I ask that you use your tongue only for your good and the good of others. If you speak harshly to another, they too respond loudly and harshly; angry words leads to more angry reactions. But if you use soft and sweet words when another is angry towards you, they will calm down and be sorry that they used their tongue in that way. So always speak softly and sweetly!

– Divine Discourse, May 16, 1969.

Sathya Sai Baba
Do not shout, do not talk longer than necessary, and do not talk 
when there is no need to talk! - Baba



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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 28, 2017

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
28 Dec 2017
Featured on Radio Sai:
At times, it appears that we do not get enough grace from the Lord. Why is it so? What should we do to attract His grace? Bhagawan lovingly explains with an example.  

Audio Special:
'Talk during the All India Women’s
Conference at Prasanthi Nilayam
- 24 Sep 2016'

Listen Now


H2H Special:
'The Inscrutable Will of the 
Cosmic Being - A conversation 
with Mr V. Srinivasan'

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Sathya Sai Baba

Hypocrisy is rampant now in the spiritual field more than ever before. There is iron and magnet. The magnet will draw the iron to itself; that is the destiny of both. But, if the iron is covered with rust, the grace of the magnet may not operate strong enough to draw the iron near. Greed for sensual pleasure will certainly act as rust! It acts as dust, which induces rust; the rust will ultimately ruin the iron itself and change its innate nature. So, the iron must be tested constantly and dusted. Then, when it contacts the magnet, it too earns the magnetic quality and achieves its quest. That achievement is the best for both magnet and iron. The dust of sensual greed can be prevented by keeping good company, and putting into practice the axioms of good conduct that one learns from it!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 11, 1968.

The realisation of God is the goal and destiny of every human life. - Baba



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