Monday, June 27, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - June 28, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
28 Jun 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the value that we must develop so we may be part of the formidable force of the Divine? Bhagawan explains the secret to us today.  

Audio Special:
'Afternoon Satsang - The Three Rare Blessings - Part 1'

Listen Now


H2H Special:
'Lessons for Life from the Upanishads - Dr. N Siva Kumar'

Read Now



You must all make up your minds to have unwavering faith and a steadfast vision. This is an attempt which you should make. Anyhow you have caught on to something; having caught on to it, keep holding on without leaving it. Anyhow you have desired for something; having desired thus, until the desire is fulfilled, do not leave. Anyhow you have asked for something; having asked for it, until it is given, do not give up. Anyhow you have thought of something; having thought about it, until it is realised, do not go away. Not able to bear any more, He should come to your rescue. Or you will have to keep asking until you lose your consciousness. That is all. Until then, do not change your mind. That is the right path, but to give up your determination is not the right path. Whatever obstacles may come in your way, if you do not bend and have firm faith, then we can build up a Krishna (God’s) army.

- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 4.

Sathya Sai Baba
Rough diamond acquires value as it is cut and polished. In the same way,
abuses turn into ornaments. - Baba



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