Thursday, June 02, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - June 03, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
03 Jun 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
Is Mahabharata a fantasy war of the past? Why is it relevant to us in the present time as well? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.  

Audio Special:
'Love to Love - a musical selection
on Saint Meera - first aired live on
10 Dec 2015'

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H2H Special:
'The Light to Dispel All Gloom
- By late Mr. V. K. Narasimhan'

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Sathya Sai Baba

It is said that King Dhritarashtra asked a question and described the battlefield of Kurukshetra as Dharmakshetra, field of virtue (The Gita begins with King Dhritarashtra asking what his sons and the Pandavas are doing in Kurukshetra). Referring to his sons he says, 'Mamaka' — that is, those to whom I am bound by attachment. Dhritarashtra, in his ignorance, asked a question which really means, what are the thamo and rajo gunas (slothful and passionate qualities), represented by the Kauravas, doing in the battlefield with the Pandavas who representsattvic gunas (pure qualities). This battle is continually being waged, in the body which is the true Dharmakshetra, in Kurukshetra which symbolises the sensory organs. And Lord Krishna in the form of the consciousness or Atma is a witness to this battle all the time.

- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 3.

Service expresses the Divinity hidden in a human being. It broadens one's heart, destroys narrow-mindedness and gives delight. The evil qualities and tendencies in us can be driven away through service. - Baba




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