Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - May 25, 2015

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
25 May, 2015
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the secret to lead a happy life and be truly loved by those around? Bhagawan beautifully explains the secrets to us today.  

Audio Special:
'Musings by Prof. G. Venkataraman - Dharma Series Q&A session - 11'

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H2H Special:
'Get Inspired:
500 Rupees an Hour'

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So long as a person is puffed up with pride, none, not even their spouse and children will love them. You must shed your ego and arrogance, even to be loved by your own family. You will definitely suffer grief and misery as long as you are prone to anger. It is only when you give up anger, you can be happy. So long as you go on multiplying your desires, you will continue to be in want. Control your desires, you will attain prosperity. Greed makes a person unhappy and miserable. When greed and miserliness are given up, you can lead an enjoyable and peaceful life. The human race, the whole world and the objects therein are interrelated by the bond of love. God is love and resides in the heart of every one as the Embodiment of love. Based on this truth we pray, "Samastha-Loka-Sukhino Bhavanthu"(May all the beings in all the worlds be happy).

- Divine Discourse, Jul 17, 1997.

Sathya Sai Baba
The person filled with love has peace of mind, is pure at heart and is unruffled by any adverse circumstances, failures or losses. - Baba


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