Friday, March 07, 2014

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 08, 2014

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
08 Mar, 2014  
Featured on Radio Sai:
Often we regret when a friend moves on, and we struggle to find a ‘better friend’? Is that necessary? Bhagawan lovingly answers this question for us today.  

Audio Special:
"Shravanam Mananam Nididhyasanam - Ep 33 - Summer Course 1990 Discourse Clips along with discussion"

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Swami and Me: The Omnipotent
& Omnipresent Sai
- by Dr. Sara Pavan"

Click Here to Read Now


Sathya Sai Baba

We call many our friends. But who is our true friend? As long as you have money in your pocket, or if your parents are in a good position, everyone will greet you, “Hello, Hello” and treat you nicely. If things change and you do not have money, nobody will even tell you, “Goodbye!” When the tank is full, all frogs go there. If it is empty, you will not find even a single frog! However, God is not like that. He has a tank that is ever full of selfless love. In any situation, His tank is full of nectarous sweet love. Changes in your position, place or time or status will not matter to Him. Why do you give up such a true friend and struggle to attain worldly, temporary and untrue friends, whose friendship is ephemeral and lasts for only a short time? Pray that you win an eternal friendship with the Lord.

- ‘My Dear Students’, Vol 2, Ch 7, April 10, 2000.

When you are cutting vegetables for cooking, remember that you are cutting your desires and ego with the knife of wisdom. - Baba



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