Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 12, 2014

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
12 Mar, 2014  
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why do we fail to appreciate the sweetness in the journey of life at times, and feel disgusted? Bhagawan explains through a simple and lucid analogy.  

Audio Special:
"Fleeting Moments, Lasting Memories - Radio Sai's KVSK Ganesh -
Part - 2"

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Growth, Stability and Order
in Human Society - by
Prof. G. Venkataraman"

Click Here to Read Now


Sathya Sai Baba

Take a glass of water, at the bottom of which is sugar. Even though there is sugar in the water, as long as it remains below, the water would not taste sweet. However if you take a spoon and mix the sugar with water, now sweetness pervades the entire tumbler. It is the same with our hearts too. Our heart is like the cup. The Atmic principle is sugar and the worldly desires are the tasteless water in the cup. You drink this tasteless water of the world and say that there is no sweetness. But how can you get the taste? Only when you take the spoon of intelligence, place it inside the cup of the heart and mix with discrimination between the temporary and permanent, then sweetness pervades.

- ‘My Dear Students’, Vol 2, Ch 7, Apr 10, 2000.

Believe that God resides in all beings. Speak such words as would spread goodness, truth and beauty. - Baba


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