Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - February 06, 2014

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
06 Feb, 2014  
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the real meaning of ‘health’? What is the role of spiritual practices in our health and well-being? Bhagawan explains to us today.  

Audio Special:
"Conversation with alumni of SSS Primary & Higher Secondary School - first aired live on 3 Jan 2013"

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Guide to a Happy Life for Young Children – The Chinese Way"

Click Here to Read Now


Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Chinese New Year Celebrations at Prasanthi Nilayam, Day 2 at 4:50 p.m. (IST) Today on our Website.

The word ‘Health’ is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘Helig’ meaning holistic or wholeness of the spirit. You are made up of sense organs, mind, intellect, consciousness and the indwelling spirit. ‘Wholeness’ includes all these elements. Your mind should be in a state of fullness; there should be no room for confusion or depression. To achieve such a state of mind, it is necessary to connect with the Divine and understand the situation. For instance, students should not get depressed if they did not score as well as they expected or perhaps failed in an examination. Instead, they should examine the reasons for the result – whether they studied well or understood the subject correctly. If the conclusion is inadequate preparation, then the resolve should be to do better in the next opportunity. You must develop you r moral and mental strength by practicing Sadhana for disciplining the mind and achieve holistic wellbeing.

- Divine Discourse, 'My Dear Students', Vol 2, Ch 1, Dec 29, 1985..

Sathya Sai Baba
Devotion and morality are as important for physical health as they are for mental health. They free your mind from agitation; and feed it with joy and contentment. - Baba


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