Sunday, November 04, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - November 5, 2012

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
5 November, 2012  
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why should we feed enough nourishment to the mind and body alike? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.  

Audio Special:
"Interviews about Sai Seva in the Asia-Pacific region by Gene Massey - Part 6

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Signs, wonders and their significance - Birthday
Discourse, 1976

Click Here to Read Now


You must take care of your body, which is the case for the Divine Spark, until its purpose of Self-Realization is fulfilled. But its nourishment and care should not overshadow the attention due to the mind, its purification and sublimation. Now the body is nourished with breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon, snack break at 4 PM and dinner at night. The body is the cart and the mind is the horse that drags it. Unfortunately no food is given to the horse, which is really the more valuable of the two. Give the mind and culturing of the mind, the importance it deserves, only then life is worth living. The mind has to be hale and hearty, joyous and peaceful, free from agitations and worries. You can keep it happy by recitation of holy names and doing noble acts that helps the wellbeing of all. This will confer you everlasting joy.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1964.

Sathya Sai Baba
Fear is nothing but a bundle of negative thoughts. Counter it with positive thoughts. - Baba


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