Thursday, September 06, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - September 07, 2012

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07 September, 2012  
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the true understanding that should guide and mould our actions? Bhagawan explains to us our origin, so that we may act in accordance today.  

Audio Special:
"Kodai Fest 2009 - Highlights of Kodaikanal trip 2009 - Day 5

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Universal Teacher - Part 1
- A film by Richard Bock"

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sathya sai baba

You are on a journey through the stream of life from one act to another – it is one continuous activity, marked by karma all throughout. It would be a pity, if you do not know the right technique of performing karma (actions). Just as the fruit on a tree depends upon the seed, the soil, the manure, the tending of the gardener and the fence, the results of your actions too reflect a variety of factors, such as the tendencies and consequences of the activities in previous lives. A potter makes pots and pans from the clay in the earth and so it is called mrinmaya (material and ephemeral). But you are Chinmaya (spiritual and transcendental) for Brahma, the Divine Potter, has made you from Truth (Sath), Consciousness (Chith) and Bliss (Ananda). Understand this difference, and shape your actions. Act in accordance with what you profess to be; that is the real Dharma (righteousness).

- Divine Discourse, Sep 29 1965.

If you want to enjoy life, fill yourself with good thoughts. - Baba


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