Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - September 14, 2012

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14 September, 2012  
Featured on Radio Sai:
What could be pointed out as the foremost reason for the troubles rampant in the society? Bhagawan explains and gives us a solution too.  

Audio Special:
"Kodai Fest 2009 - Highlights of Kodaikanal trip 2009 - Day 10

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Universal Teacher - Part 2
a film by Richard Bock

Click Here to Watch Now


sathya sai baba

In spite of warnings, admonitions, advice and appeals that one should not submerge themselves in the trivial and the transitory, people are still drawn towards misery by defects in their understanding. Hatred, greed, factions and fights are prevalent because God is discarded as superfluous or as superstition. The scriptures are the records of the thoughts and experiences of pure and unprejudiced love-filled seekers of truth. You will do well, if you trust them. They clearly explain the following tenets: Love alone prevails, Detachment is your true wealth, Unity alone is the truth and God alone should be your goal in life. Just as when light from the oil-based lamp gets dull, its wick is adjusted or fuel is added, it is about time the nobler and higher impulses of all human beings are invigorated. That alone will save you from calamity. You must desire for your liberation from the bonds you have woven around yourself.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 1, 1965.

A heart saturated with love of God can never entertain thoughts of violence. - Baba



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