Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - August 23, 2012

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23 August, 2012  
Featured on Radio Sai:
In what way are we different from the other members of the animal kingdom? Bhagawan gently reminds us and motivates us to lead worthy lives.  

Audio Special:
"Fleeting Moments Lasting Memories - Mr. Ranganath Raju - Part 1

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H2H Special:
"Government Minister Hails the Sathya Sai School in Fiji"

Click Here to Read Now


Thursday Schedule
sathya sai baba

Most people spend the lifetime allotted to them or earned by them in partaking of rich yet harmful foods and drink and indulge in glamorous, harmful pastimes. What a pathetic waste of precious stuff! Though belonging to the animal kingdom, human beings have much more in terms of physical, mental and moral abilities. They have the glorious chance of visualizing their identity with the Mystery that is manifested as this Universe. Human beings forgetting their nature to progress towards Godhood is akin to fire forgetting its capacity to burn or water its nature to wet. Every human being has the capacity to seek and secure the Truth of the Universe of which they are a part of; they have the wherewithal to train themselves in virtue, justice, love and sympathy to escape from the particular to the Universal.

- Divine Discourse, July 2 1966.

We must control our desires. Don’t waste money, don’t waste time, don’t waste food, and don’t waste energy. - Baba









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