Monday, July 23, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - July 24, 2012

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24 July, 2012  
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the secret to delusion? Our Loving God explains to us today, the simple steps.  

Audio Special:
"Talk by Father Dominic Emmanuel - Director of Delhi Catholic Archdiocese - 2 Jul 2012

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H2H Special:
"Conversations With Sai - Satyopanishad - 19, Direct Directions from the Divine"

Click Here to Read Now


sathya sai baba

It is the mind that weaves a pattern called “I” - the process by which it establishes the ego and elaborates it into a multitude of shackles which is called delusion. The mind prompts the senses to project into the outer world of objects, for it builds up notions of pleasure and pain, of joy and grief and constructs a whole array of urges and impulses. It resists all attempts to escape into the Eternal, Universal, and the Absolute. It protests when the individual is eager to become conscious of one’s identity. But when it finds that the individual is determined to oppose its tactics, it surrenders and disappears without a trace! Diminish your desires – you will be free from delusion. Desire comes from attachment – deliverance comes from detachment!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 1966.

When man is established in the experience of the One, there is no desire, for who is to desire for whom or what? - Baba



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