Saturday, April 07, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - April 08, 2012

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8 April, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
How can good deeds lead one to conquer illusion (maya)? Bhagawan explains today how the two are related.  

Audio Special:
"Interviews about Sai Seva by
Gene Massey in the
Asia-Pacific region - Part 1

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Video: Gratitude Programme
by students of
Brindavan Campus, SSSIHL"

Click Here to Watch Now



The inner prompting to conquer illusion (maya), by surrendering to the Lord, comes as a result of merits accumulated from many births. Those with demerits as their earnings will pursue the fleeting pleasure of the senses. Like birds and beasts, they revel in food and frolic as the purpose of life, and do not entertain any thoughts of God. They dislike the company of the virtuous and the good, and stray away from good acts and become outlaws in the realm of God. On the other hand, those who have earned merit strive to grow in virtue, cultivate uplifting thoughts, and contemplate and yearn for the Divine. Such seekers may be drawn to the Lord through suffering or want or the thirst for knowledge or keenness to acquire wisdom. But the fact that they turn towards the Lord for relief shows that they have grown into the higher path through many births.

- Geetha Vahini, Chap 13.

sathya sai baba
By surrendering to the Divine and developing a heart filled with devotion and love,
one can face all the challenges of life. -Baba



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