Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - April 04, 2012

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4 April, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is this powerful phenomenon called Maya (delusion)? Lord Krishna explained it to Arjuna, Bhagawan now explains it to us.  

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sathya sai baba

When Krishna said, “Remove the defect in vision, then the author of this Universe can be cognised,” Arjuna sought the cause for this faulty vision. Krishna explained, “Between Me and this universe, there moves maya (delusion). It is indeed a hard task for one to see beyond maya, for maya too is Mine. It is of the same substance; it is My creation and under My control. It will turn in a trice, even the mightiest among men, head over heels! Do not take maya to mean some ugly thing that has descended from somewhere else; it is an attribute of the mind which makes you ignore the true and the eternal Paramatma (Supreme Self) and instead value the manifold multiplicity of Name and Form. It causes the error of believing the body to be the Self, instead of the embodied (the Deha instead of the Dehi). To overcome maya is surely the most difficult task. Only those who are wholeheartedly attached to Me can conquer My maya.”

- Geetha Vahini, Chap 13.

Attachment is the result of Maya; Maya is the result of Karma (actions). It is desire that
deludes and binds. -Baba



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