Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 28, 2011

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28 December, 2011
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why should we never give up the path of action? Our Divine Master guides us today.  

Audio Special:
"Christmas Ecstasy with Sai

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H2H Special:
"Video Presentation: Christmas
Evening Programme, 2011

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sathya sai baba

Give up all attachment and engage in acts, as if each one is a sacrifice (Yajna) dedicated to the Lord. The Scriptures emanated from God; actions (Karmas) emanated from the Scriptures; from Actions originated worship (Yajna), resulting in rain; from rain grew food; and from food came all living beings. This is the cycle that has to be accepted and honoured. Krishna declares: "Consider this, O Arjuna, I have no need to do any Karma; no, not anywhere in the three worlds. I am under no compulsion. Still I am ever engaged in Karma. Have steady faith in the Atma (Spirit); then dedicate all acts of yours to Me - with no desire for the fruit thereof, no egoism and no sense of possession or pride". If the wheel of Creation is to move smooth, each one has to continuously engage in Karma. None can escape this obligation, whoever it is.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.

Doing one’s duty lovingly and selflessly is the highest spiritual endeavor. - Baba



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