Monday, December 05, 2011

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 06, 2011

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6 December, 2011
Featured on Radio Sai:
When god truly loves us, why does He make us go through pain and suffering? Bhagawan explains the mystery to us today.  

Audio Special:
"Fleeting Moments - Lasting Memories - Ms. Sumana Murali

Click Here to Listen Now


H2H Special:
"Conversations with Mr. Raja
Reddy: Part 2"

Click Here to Read Now


sathya sai baba

Happiness makes one forget one's obligations to oneself as a human being. It drags one into egoism leading to committing of sins. Happiness draws a veil over experiences that make one tough. It also spends out one’s stock of merit and arouses baser passions. On the other hand, grief renders man alert and watchful. Misery makes one think and leads to self-improvement. It also endows one with new and valuable experiences, and highlights the value of happiness. Realize that happiness and misery are inseparable and you cannot choose only one. Treat troubles and travails as your friends; at least, do not see them as your enemies! It is best to regard both happiness and misery as gifts of God. That is the easiest path for one's own liberation.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 4.

Pleasure is an interval between two pains. - Baba



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