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| 25 December, 2011 | Featured on Radio Sai: | | What is the best way to honour the the life of Jesus Christ? Bhagawan answers and gives us His Divine benediction on this auspicious occasion of Christmas? | | Audio Special: "Special program on Christmas decorations by overseas devotees at Prasanthi Nilayam in 2011" Click Here to Listen Now | | H2H Special: "The Spiritual Significance of 'The Sermon on the Mount' - Father Charles Ogada" Click Here to Read Now | | | |
| When you enter sincerely into the path of spiritual practice, the urge to find faults in others or to publicise one's own excellence will disappear. When you yearn to reach God, you have to observe the guidelines and walk along the stipulated path; every step will bring you nearer. When you need to reach a village, you have to rise and move towards it; it will not rise and come towards you! Similarly, when you need to reach God, rise and move, as He has directed you to! By this means alone, can you make life worthwhile. Jesus taught simple practical lessons in spiritual advancement for the good of mankind; Jesus exhorted people by precept and example to cultivate the virtues of charity, compassion, forbearance, love and faith. If you are a sincere aspirant, celebrate His birthday in a spirit of dedication, deepening the faith in your hearts an d revering His doctrines through more intense practice. - Divine Discourse, Dec 24, 1972. | | |
So long as you cling to the “I”, the four prison walls will close in on you. Cross out the “I” and you are free. - Baba |
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