Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 27, 2010


Anytime, you can watch all the Previous Episodes of �Message of the Lord�!

Today, Episode-08 ��Our Cosmic Connections�

Sai Inspires - 27th October 2010

What is the purpose of the Avatar? Swami lovingly explains to us and gives us re-assurance today.

Did you read the eighth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

The Supreme Sovereign Lord manifesting Himself as Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara, through the prompting of Primal Will is engaged in creating, fostering and destroying the worlds. In what is thus created, there is always the principle of Dualism. There is difference and disparity between one and another. If these differences and disparities are harmonised wisely, the world will have happiness and peace. If, on the other hand, living beings behave wrongly, the world will be sunk in anxiety, misery and confusion. When these arise, the Lord assumes appropriate Forms and affords necessary protection and correction. He sets right the damaged world, removes the evil forces that caused the damage, and instructs mankind in the science of fostering the right and the good.

- Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 30, " The Bhagavatha Path".

I am with you, in you, above you, around you, always protecting you, like the eyelids guard the eye. - Baba

With Love and Regards,
"Heart2Heart" Team.
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