Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 6th October 2010


Celebrations will commence in Prashanti from 15th November 2010.

But we would be at our service from MUCH EARLIER! Tell everybody who would be interested!  Tomorrow, some real news!

Sai Inspires - 6th October 2010

Why are there 'devotees' and 'non-devotees'? Swami lovingly answers this hard question today.

God does not incarnate merely for the destruction of the wicked. Truly speaking, God incarnates primarily for the sustenance of the faithful, the devoted, the virtuous and the good. But even the faithless and the bad, use the chance for their own purpose. In the Bhagavatha, stories of wicked persons intervene amidst the accounts of the Glory and Grace of God. These stories do not make the Bhagavatha any less holy. When the sweet juice has been squeezed out of the sugarcane, the bagasse is discarded. When the sweetness of Divine Majesty has been tasted, the pulp can be thrown out. The cane has both bagasse and sugar; it cannot be only sugar. So too, devotees have to be amidst the faithless; they cannot be without the others.

-Bhagavatha Vahini,  Chap 28, "The Enchanting Story".


Selfless Service is the fastest way to reach God.  - Baba

With Love and Regards,
"Heart2Heart" Team.
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