Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - November 1, 2010


“Message of the Lord”!


“Loving Legend – Living Legacies"!

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  Today's Episode – "The Shiva Shakti Revelation"

Sai Inspires - 1st November 2010

What will be the state of the mind of a pure soul, in times of joy and sorrow?  The Divine Master sweetly explains to us today.

Did you read the thirteenth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

The rain falling on the mountain range slides down the sides into many valleys and flows as turbid streams. The same rain falling on fresh water lakes or limpid rivers remains pure and clear. The sages who are cognizant of their Atmic reality are transformed into the purity, equanimity, and charity that it represents. They are ever in the full awareness of the Atma, their inner core. In the purified consciousness of these persons, there is the experience of identification. Likes and dislikes, sense of “I” and “mine”, anxiety and calmness, elation when praised and depression when blamed - these cannot contaminate or agitate a person who has attained that state.  These opposites become balanced and are accepted with equanimity as waves on the Atmic consciousness. This is the authentic Atmic attitude, the Brahman inner-look, the unitary vision.

 - Sutra Vahini, Chap 7.

I am the sole refuge of those who surrender to Me. - Baba

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 31, 2010


“Message of the Lord”!


“Loving Legend – Living Legacies"!

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Sai Inspires - 31th October 2010

What is the mystery of an Avatar? The Divine Master lovingly demystifies it for us today.

Have you read the twelfth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"? 

The Upanishads prescribe certain sadhanas (spiritual exercises) to achieve inner peace. One of that is engaging in Karma or beneficial activity - that is to say, service to people which will help diminish the sense of ego; this refers to acts that are good and godly. When one’s thoughts are engaged in such activities, the mind turns away from the talk it indulges in. Listening to spiritual advice, reflection on spiritual directions, and discovering ways and means of confirming faith in the Lord, recital of the names of God and withdrawing the mind from sensual pursuits have been prescribed by the scriptures for silencing the mental chatter, this inner talk, as a preparation for attaining the Supreme Lord.  For it is only when the mind is cleansed and clarified that it can achieve such a profound task. Only then the lessons taught and the experiences undergo ne can be pure and unsullied.

- Vidya Vahini, Chap 28

Make this world a happy home of love. - Baba

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 30, 2010


“Message of the Lord”!


“Loving Legend – Living Legacies"!

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  Today's Episode – "Baba in Badrinath"

Sai Inspires - 30th October 2010

What is the mystery of an Avatar? The Divine Master lovingly demystifies it for us today.

Did you read the eleventh episode of'
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

It is not possible to limit the freedom of God in assuming Forms. He adopts endless Forms to manifest Himself to save the world. His incarnation is in conformity with the need of the crisis at the time. When the Earth moaned under the injustice of the demon Hiranyaksha, He had to appear as a boar, taking Form and equipped with Attributes, though in essence, He is without Form and Attribute. The will of God cannot be explained by categories or as consequences. It is according to the needs of the situation, in the Forms best suited for the destruction of the wicked and for the protection of the good and godly.


- Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 30.

Service to Man is Service to God. - Baba

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 29, 2010


“Message of the Lord”!
Today's Episode – “Healing with Compassion”


“Loving Legend – Living Legacies"!

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  Today's Episode – “The Mission Had Begun”

Sai Inspires - 29th October 2010

Why should we consciously train ourselves to look inward? Swami lovingly teaches us today.

Did you read the tenth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

Ordinary humans struggle to win material happiness and external pleasures. They do not seek the spiritual bliss (ananda) that the Atma, their inner reality, can grant. They lose the great opportunity of experiencing it, and they don’t take any steps appropriate for the purpose. All the time, their attention is directed only to the external world. It does not turn inward.  Looking outward is the characteristic of animals, not of humans. The important organs of sense perception in the human body - the eye, the nose, the tongue, etc. - all open outward in order to contact external objects. The Sovereign Lord is the embodiment of indivisible sweetness (rasa), the treasure house of bliss, and can be realized only when you look inward. A wise person would gradually and stea dily endeavour to look inward and acquire that victory of Bliss.

- Sutra Vahini, Chap 7, "Look Inward, Not Outward"..

Steady perseverance alone will tame the mind. - Baba

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 28, 2010


“Message of the Lord”!
Today's Episode – “God's Operating System”


“Loving Legend – Living Legacies"!

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  Today's Episode – “The Revival of Eternal Values”

Sai Inspires - 28th October 2010

What is the nature of our minds? The Divine Master lovingly explains to us today.

Did you read the ninth episode of,
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?


The mind is engaged in two activities: alochana or planning, and sambhashana or dialogue. Both these follow different lines. Planning is intent on solving problems that present themselves before the mind. Dialogue multiplies the problems and confounds the solutions causing confusion and adoption of wrong and ruinous means to solve them. The inner conversation and controversial chatter continues from morning till night, until sleep overtakes the mind. It causes ill-health and the early setting in of old age. The topics on which the chatter is based are mostly the faults and failings of others and their fortunes and misfortunes. This perpetual dialogue is at the bottom of all the miseries of man. It covers the mind with thick darkness. It grows wild very quickly and suppresses one's genuine worth.

 - Vidya Vahini, Chap 28

Master the mind, Be a Master Mind! - Baba

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 27, 2010


Anytime, you can watch all the Previous Episodes of �Message of the Lord�!

Today, Episode-08 ��Our Cosmic Connections�

Sai Inspires - 27th October 2010

What is the purpose of the Avatar? Swami lovingly explains to us and gives us re-assurance today.

Did you read the eighth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

The Supreme Sovereign Lord manifesting Himself as Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara, through the prompting of Primal Will is engaged in creating, fostering and destroying the worlds. In what is thus created, there is always the principle of Dualism. There is difference and disparity between one and another. If these differences and disparities are harmonised wisely, the world will have happiness and peace. If, on the other hand, living beings behave wrongly, the world will be sunk in anxiety, misery and confusion. When these arise, the Lord assumes appropriate Forms and affords necessary protection and correction. He sets right the damaged world, removes the evil forces that caused the damage, and instructs mankind in the science of fostering the right and the good.

- Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 30, " The Bhagavatha Path".

I am with you, in you, above you, around you, always protecting you, like the eyelids guard the eye. - Baba

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 26th October 2010


Anytime, you can watch all the Previous Episodes of �Message of the Lord�!

Today, Episode-07 � �What is CIA?�

Sai Inspires - 26th October 2010

What is the barometer for a good student and a teacher? Swami lovingly clarifies and motivates us today.

Did you read the seventh episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

Teachers who teach with the salary paid to them in their minds, and students who learn with the jobs they may procure as their focus are both pursuing wrong paths. In fact, the task of the teacher is to discharge his duty of instructing and inspiring the students so that they develop their latent talents and advance in the perfection of their skills. The task of the student is to unfold the Divine in him and equip himself for serving society with his skill and knowledge.

  - Vidya Vahini, Chap 28.

Love is the solvent for the hardest of the hearts.  - Baba

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 25th October 2010


Anytime, you can watch all the Previous Episodes of �Message of the Lord�!

Today, Episode-06 � �How to Maintain Our Hotline with God?�

Sai Inspires - 25th October 2010

How can we know if we are leading a true life? Swami reminds us today.

Have you read the sixth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

When the person who is bound relies on the one who is not bound, he can get rid of his bonds and move about freely. The person who is deep in grief must seek refuge in the one who is floating on spiritual bliss (ananda) filled with joy. Bondage plunges one into sorrow; the Lord is Total Bliss Personified. Therefore, one can be completely cured of grief only by resorting to the inexhaustible spring of delight, the Lord. And what exactly is liberation (moksha)? It is release from grief, the absence of sorrow, and attainment of spiritual bliss (ananda-praapti). The supreme Self, the sovereign Lord, is the embodiment of indivisible sweetness (rasa), the treasure house of bliss (ananda nilaya). Hence, those who seek and secure His grace gain eternity itself.

- Sutra Vahini, Chap 7, Divine Will is the Cause of all Causes.

Faith in your Self is the expression of Divine. - Baba

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 24th October 2010


You can watch anytime all the Previous Episodes of “Message of the Lord”!

Watch today's Episode-04 � �The Science of Attuning to Our Conscience�

Sai Inspires - 24th October 2010

How can we know if we are leading a true life? Swami reminds us today.

Did you read the fifth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

Those who are intent on sensory pleasures spend their days in worry, anxiety, pain, grief and tears throughout a long period of life; they breed like birds and beasts. They eat good food and cast it away as waste. This is the purposeless life that most people lead. Can you call this the process of living? Enormous numbers of living beings exist on the earth. Living is not enough. It has no value by itself, for itself. One can be considered to be alive only if the motives, feelings, thoughts, and attitudes that prompt a person reveal the divine qualities within.

 - Bhagavatha Vahini, Chap 29 .

Selfless service brings you nearer to me. - Baba

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 23rd October 2010


�Message of the Lord� is on its fourth day today!

Watch Episode-04 � �The Science of Attuning to Our Conscience�

Sai Inspires - 23th October 2010

What is the foremost quality each one of us must have? Our Loving Master gently coaches us today.

Have you read the fourth episode of
"Loving Legend - Living Legacies"?

Each one of you require faith in yourselves, more than most other qualities. The absence of self-confidence marks the beginning of one’s decline. Today, the world is facing ruin and disaster because people have lost confidence in themselves. Self-confidence alone is capable of granting peace and prosperity to each and every person. If you cultivate self-confidence, you will receive kindness everywhere. You will be honoured in all places. Whatever you touch, will become gold!

- Vidya Vahini, Chap 27.


Steady Perseverance is required to tame the mind. - Baba

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