Some persons who have no experience and who do not put their words into practice, go about declaring that the way to peace is to keep samsaara (worldly life) at a distance. That is not peaceful living. If you do not want the tree to grow, you will have to boil the seed or fry it over a fire; then it will not grow. Instead, if the seed is taken far away from the tree, will it not grow into a tree again? So too, the impulses and vasanas (desires, tendencies) are the seeds that germinate. They should be fried over the fire of discrimination only then can real peace emerge. If one escapes from the responsibilities of life or duties to society, peace cannot be enjoyed; peace will never come. However, if the desires and tendencies are eliminated and controlled, there is no need to run away.
- Divine Discourse, Prasanthi Vahini.
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