You must have noticed the crane walking silently or standing motionless in order to catch a fish. Why? If it plunges headlong or runs about helter skelter, can it get the fish? Similarly, the Lord is the fish in the forms of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi & Prema. The Lord can never be won, when the hullabaloo of lust, anger, egoism and envy is rampant in the heart. If the bitter qualities of lust, anger and envy germinate in the heart, fear, anxiety and sloth will be the fruits thereof. When there is sugar on the tongue, you will feel the sweetness in the taste. Similarly, so long as the heart has Bhakthi, (Devotion) Santhi (Peace) and Prema (Love for Lord), you will be filled with Ananda (Bliss).
-Divine Discourse, Prasanthi Vahini .
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