Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sai Inspires - 9th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami tells us the importance of limits in life today.

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Sai Inspires - 9th May 2007

The phenomenal world is like a hotel to which we have come to experience the consequences of our actions in the past. The body is a room in the hotel in which we have to undergo the Karmic consequences. Our time and body should be used for carrying out the mission on which we have come. We are engaged in accumulating wealth, gold and other material possessions. It is true that we need money to lead our life in this world. But there should be a limit to the acquisition of these worldly objects. True welfare and happiness cannot be achieved without observing limits in life.

- Divine Discourse, May 6, 1987.

Happiness results not when desires are fulfilled, but when they are controlled. - Baba
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