Saturday, May 05, 2007

Sai Inspires - 6th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairams on the occasion of Easwaramma Day.

In May 2006, Heart2Heart had brought to you a cover story on the Divine Mother Easwaramma. If you had missed reading that article, here is a link for you to read it:


Swami emphasizes on our primary obligation today.

Did u read this article
"The Wonderful Mother That I have"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 6th May 2007

Every man is prone to commit mistakes either wittingly or unwittingly. But one mistake he should not commit in any circumstance, that is, to forget what he owes to his mother. Love of a mother can redeem a man's life, whatever his other lapses may be. The greatest gift of the parents is the body, with all its powers. Although the Lord rules over all lives, it is the parents who have endowed the body to the child. Clay and water are the gifts of Nature. But it is the potter who makes the pots out of them. Hence, gratitude to the parents is a primary obligation.

- Divine Discourse, May 6th, 1987.

Everyone should treasure in his heart love for his mother,
who has borne him, reared him with love and fostered him with care. - Baba
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