Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sai Inspires - 1st June 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami enlightens us today on faith and doubts.

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Heart2Heart is up!

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Sai Inspires - 1st June 2007

As long as we are involved with external appearances, we have to carry the burden of doubts and weakness of faith. We will not be able to get rid of involvement in unnecessary things. Faith is like a live volcano. No seed will sprout on such a volcano. Doubts are like seeds. If the doubts multiply, it means that your faith is weak and unstable. It is like an extinct volcano. If your faith is strong, no doubts will crop up. Where there are doubts, there can be no faith.

- Divine Discourse, July 24, 1983.

Faith is the root of spirituality. If you believe that God exists, He exists.
If you have no belief, so far as you are concerned God does not exist. - Baba
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sai Inspires - 31st May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

What is that which we have to really learn? Swami tells us today.

Did you read this issue's
"Geeta For Children"?

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Sai Inspires - 31st May 2007

When you desire to enter the mansion of God, you are confronted by two closed doors - the desire to praise yourself, and the desire to defame others. The doors are bolted by envy, and there is the huge lock of egoism preventing entry. If you are earnest, you have to resort to the key of love to open the lock, then remove the bolt and throw the doors wide open. Your education must train you in this difficult operation. You undergo training in many fields of study, but the crown and crest of all subjects of study is the training of the inner consciousness. The study of the soul, if mastered, is the key to all knowledge. It teaches us that if the soul is known, all else is known. It reveals to us that the One is in the many and that the many are really One.

- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 10, pg.108.

Spirit of love is Spirituality. - Baba
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sai Inspires - 30th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

How can we be blessed with the experiencew of His presence? Swami tells us today.

Did you read the article
"In Quest For Infinity- V"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 30th May 2007

There is, in this world, no penance higher than fortitude, no happiness greater than contentment, no punya (merit) holier than mercy, no weapon more effective than patience. Devotees should consider the body as the field, good deeds as seeds and cultivate the name of the Lord, with the help of the Heart as the root, in order to get the harvest, the Lord Himself. How can one get the crop without the cultivation? Like cream in milk, like fire in fuel, the Lord is in everything, more or less. Have full faith in this. As the milk, so the cream; as the fuel, so the fire; so also, as the Sadhana (effort), so the Saakshaathkaara (experience of His presence).

- Prema Vahini.

Only by the light of the Divine lamp inside can you blossom as a worthwhile person. - Baba
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Monday, May 28, 2007

Sai Inspires - 29th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami reminds us today about one of our foremost obligations.

Did you read the article
"A Mother Like No Other"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 29th May 2007

People tend to worship stones, but do not revere living beings. Worship of inanimate idols has been in vogue from ancient times. But people are forgetting to revere their living parents. One's first and foremost obligation is to revere one's parents who are in flesh and blood, who are verily your life itself.

- Divine Discourse, July 3rd, 1994.

You have to show towards the mother the same love
and spirit of sacrifice with which she has brought you up. - Baba
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sai Inspires - 28th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

How do we know God exists? Swami tells us today.

Did you read the article
"Mother's Love and God's Grace"?

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Sai Inspires - 28th May 2007

When you see smoke emerging from the hills, it is an indication that there is fire. When you see the fire directly, it is called pratyaksha pramana (direct experience). If you see only the smoke and not the fire, you presume that there is fire behind the smoke. It is only a possibility. It is anumana pramana (presumptive experience). It is possible that sometimes fog appears as smoke and, actually, there may not be fire in the hills. Therefore, anumana pramana gives rise to doubt. Love is the only pratyaksha pramana (direct experience) of divinity in a human being. When a question arises as to where God is, the immediate answer is God is love and love is God.

- Divine Discourse, January1, 2003.

The best way to love God is to love all, serve all. - Baba
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Sai Inspires - 27th May 2007 Sunday Special


Sai Ram and greetings from Prashantinilayam.

Friday, 25th May, 2007 was the sixtieth anniversary on an important event. We wonder how many remembered this Golden Jubilee. For the benefit of those who might wonder what we are talking about, let us take you back to the year 1947. It was the month of May, and the British were still ruling India – Independence was a few months away. But God in human form had already declared Himself free from all the trappings of apparent bondage seven years earlier. We are referring of course to Swami’s declaration of His Avatarhood on 20 th October in 1940, when He walked out of the house of His elder brother Seshama Raju, then serving as a teacher in a school in Uravakonda and under whose physical care Swami was studying.

Seshama Raju was devastated by this “walk out”, and he could never come to terms with the fact that his younger “brother” Sathya was in fact the Lord of the Universe. To be fair, achieving that recognition is not easy, even for us today when we “know” so many things about what Swami has done since then. The entire Raju family and Seshamma in particular was pinning its hope on Sathya, who they thought would become a Government Officer, rise to the very highest position and not only do them all proud but end their seemingly eternal poverty. But all that was not to be; their dear Sathya became Sri Sathya Sai to the entire world and promptly started serving humanity.

Many were attracted by the Divine Magnet even in those far off days, and included in this crowd of devotees were Maharajahs and members of the landed gentry. Besides, the Press also began take notice. Elder brother Seshama Raju, not yet fully aware of Baba’s Divinity, began to worry about the impact of the attention that his younger brother was receiving. He wrote to Swami giving expression to his apprehensions and on 25 th May, 1947 Swami wrote a reply. Though the letter was intended for Seshama Raju, it was in fact addressed toall who are devoted to Me. That letter is a powerful declaration of the purpose of the Sai Avatar. In that letter, Bhagavan Baba wrote:

My dear One! I received all the communications that you sent. I found in it the surging floods of your devotion and affection, with the undercurrents of doubts and anxiety.

Let Me tell you that it is impossible to plumb the hearts and discover the nature of Jnanis , Yogis, ascetics, saints, sages, and the like. People are endowed with a variety of characteristics and mental attitudes; so, each one judges according his own angle, talks and argues in the light of his own nature.

As the proverb says, it is only the fruit-laden tree that receives the shower of stone from the passers by. The good always provoke the bad into calumny; the bad always provoke the good into doing more good; this is the nature of the world. One must be surprised if such things do not happen.

People too have to be pitied rather than condemned. They do not know. They have no patience to judge right. They are too full of lust, anger, and conceit to see clearly and know fully. So, they write all sorts of things. If only they know, they would refrain from writing or talking like that. We too should not attach any value to such comments and take them to heart, as you seem to do. Truth will certainly triumph some day. Untruth can never win. Untruth might appear to over-power Truth, but its victory would fade away and Truth would establish itself.

I have a Task: To foster all mankind, and ensure for all people lives full of Ananda.

I have a Vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path, again into goodness and save them.

I am attached to a ‘Work’ that I love: To remove the suffering of the poor and grant them what they lack.

When I am thus engaged in My beneficial task, how can My Name be ever tarnished, as you apprehend? I would advise you not to heed to such absurd talk. Mahatmas do not acquire greatness through someone calling them so; they do not become small just because some calls them small. Authenticity will soon win.

No one can comprehend My Glory, whosoever it may be, whatever be the method of enquiry, and no matter how long the attempt.

You will yourself see the full Glory unfolding in the coming years. Devotees must have patience and forbearance.

I am not concerned, nor am I anxious that these facts should be made known. I have no need to write these words. I wrote them because I felt that you will be pained if I do not reply.

Thus, yours, Baba.

Well, sixty years have passed since then and we do not really have to tell you what has happened in that period, do we? Even if you have missed the anniversary referred to, please take a couple of minutes off to reflect on what Swami has been doing since He wrote that letter and how He has fulfilled all that He promised He would do.

The big question is: “Are we taking notice? If so, are we doing our bit to take further the Divine Mission?”

Think about it! All the best.

Jai Sai Ram. H2H Team.


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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sai Inspires - 27th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami, today, reminds us of a categorical truth.

Did you read the article
"The Victory of Virtue"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 27th May 2007

It is very difficult for man steeped in the material world to understand the beauty of detachment.... We often think that others also have ideas similar to whatever we have. All that has been said by the historians is a reflection of their own thoughts on people and events. God lives in the hearts of those individuals who always walk along the path of dharma (righteousness) and will not swerve from it under any circumstances. This is an unquestionable truth. God is always merciful on those who follow the righteous path.

- Summer Course, 1974.

Righteousness protects the right. - Baba
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Friday, May 25, 2007

Sai Inspires - 26th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Prasanthi Bulletin is updated till May 24th, 2007.

Swami, today, explains the concept of true devotion

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"Sweetness Unsurpassable"?

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Sai Inspires - 26th May 2007

Devotion cannot be confined to observances like worship, pilgrimages or going to temples. These are merely actions indicative of devotion. There is a power which provides a basic impulse for these actions. That is the love of God. Devotion means Paripurna Prema (total love). This love is motiveless. Love based on a motive cannot be real love. As a river seeks to join the ocean by a natural impulse, as a creeper winds itself naturally around a tree to climb upwards, the devotee's love is a spontaneous expression of the yearning to realize God, free from worldly desires of any kind.

- Divine Discourse, August 27th, 1986.

Love is selflessness. - Baba
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sai Inspires - 25th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Saicast has been updated with Talk to Westerners - 1991.

How to demonstrate our love for the divine in real life?
Swami tells us today.

Did you read the article
"A Mother Like No Other"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 25th May 2007

To experience the joy that springs from a devotee who has developed Sannikarsha Bhakti (magnetic love towards the divine), one has to show love and reverence towards elders and serve them with humility and respect. Towards equals, one should show love and friendliness. Towards the young, one should extend sympathy and loving care. By these means, we demonstrate our love and regard for the Divine that is in each of them and in us.

- Divine Discourse, August 27th, 1986.

Love lives by giving and forgiving. - Baba
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sai Inspires - 24th May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami tells us today the qualities of a true devotee.

Did you read the article
"'He is My Swami' - Conversation with Mrs. Padma Kasturi - 1"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 24th May 2007

One who is filled with love of the Divine will not be attracted by anything else in the world. Nor will he submit to anything demeaning or unworthy. Love is selflessness. The devotee filled with love of the Lord welcomes what may appear as punishing, as something for his good. Even when the Lord appears to be angry, His compassion is evident. Even in punishment, God's kindness will be seen. Hence, no one should cherish a grievance that he is being singled out for punishment. Even punishment is a means of leading one to God. The display of anger is for safeguarding the devotee. The true devotee is one who recognizes this truth and welcomes whatever happens to him as intended for his good. Eschewing interest in worldly concerns, he should concentrate on means to realize the Divine.

- Divine Discourse, October 8th, 1986.

Love is God, live in love. - Baba
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sai Inspires - 23rd May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami tells us today how we can truly become divine.

Did you did the story
"The story of Kisagotami"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 23rd May 2007

To be unaffected by joy or sorrow, gain or loss, praise or blame, to remain steadfast and unwavering in faith, is the hall-mark of true devotion. Affection, attachment, desire are natural qualities in man. When these qualities are directed towards God and when one is continuously engaged in good deeds, these qualities acquire purity and sacredness. Then a man becomes not only a great soul but can become Divine.

- Divine Discourse, January 19, 1986.

Let the wave of memory, the storm of desire, the fire of emotion
pass through without affecting your equanimity. - Baba
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Monday, May 21, 2007

Sai Inspires - 22nd May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami, through His example, teaches us today how to lead a peaceful life.

Did you did the cover story
"A Moving Marvel fo Holistic Medicare...The story of Sri Sathya Sai Mobile Hsopital"?

Click here to read now.

Sai Inspires - 22nd May 2007

Love, as long as life lasts. For Myself, I can say, I shower more blessings on those who decry or defame Me than those who worship and adore Me! For, those who spread falsehoods about Me derive joy therefrom; I am happy that I am the cause for their exultation and joy. You too must accept this line of argument and be very happy when someone derives joy by defaming you. Do not respond by defaming that person; then, the chain of hatred will bind both and drag both down. Life will become a tragedy. Conquer anger by means of fortitude; conquer hatred by love. Do not feed anger with retaliation; do not feed hatred with fury. Forget and forgive all that has happened amongst you until this very moment; start a new chapter of love and brotherhood from now on.

- Divine Discourse, April 28th 1975.

Love lives by giving and forgiving. - Baba
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sai Inspires - 21st May 2007 from Prashanti Nilayam

Dear Reader, 
Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Swami today tells us how we can put our tongue to best use.

Did you try this issue's
"Bhajan Tutor"?

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Sai Inspires - 21st May 2007

Remember that there is God inside your heart, as well as in the hearts of all rest. He hears and sees all things. Do you not say, "My head, my hands, my eye, my mind, my idea." Now, who is this ‘I’, that owns the body, the mind, and the brain? That ‘I’ is the spark of God that is in you. That spark is in every one. So, when you use harsh, cruel, angry, foul words against another, the God in you and the God in the other person is hurt. The tongue is a tool. You can harm yourself and harm others with it. So, be very careful; use it only for your good and the good of others. If you use it for talking kind words, for repeating the name of God or singing His Glory, or praying to Him - then, it is put to the best use.

- Divine Discourse, May16th 1969.

You may not always oblige, but you can speak obligingly. - Baba
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