Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - May 23, 2018

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
23 May 2018
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why should we be careful with regards to what we consume through our senses? Bhagawan lovingly explains today.  

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'Gift of Prasanthi - Conversation
with Sri Sanjay Sahni - Part 2 of 
episode aired on 2 Jul 2015'

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'Personification of Divinity - 
by Air Chief Marshal NC Suri (Retd)'

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When the eye sees someone who is regarded as an enemy, there is an upsurge of ill-will in the mind. On the other hand, when one sees a dear friend the reaction is one of love and affection. As in the case of things seen, what we hear can also have bad or good effects. The power of words to influence the mind is even more. Great Vedic pronouncements like Aham Brahmasmi (I am Divine), Tat-Twam-Asi (Thou Art That) and Ayam Atma Brahma (This Self is God) provide inspiration to aim at the highest goal. They should not be construed or used in any manner to inflate one's ego. Every expression is charged with a power of its own. When the words are abusive and vulgar, they arouse excitement, anger or depression. But when the words used are sacred, they generate a sanctifying and elevating power. The joy or distress experienced by the mind is the result of the impressions conveyed by the senses.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 31, 1986.

Sathya Sai Baba
Culture means giving up one's bad conduct, bad behaviour, bad deeds and cultivating
good thinking, and fostering good sentiments that lead to good actions. - Baba



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