Your determination to acquire bliss and peace should not flicker like the flame of a lamp placed on a gusty window. You must learn how to attain them from the scriptures composed by saints or from the wise who have won them. Then you must adhere to the path, however sharp the criticism, and whoever be the one callously condemning it. Cynical laughter cannot harm the aspirant! Can a storm shake the Himalayan range? Let not your faith in the goal or the road quake before trouble or trial, toil or travail, distress or despair. They are but passing clouds, casting temporary shadows, hiding for a little time the glory of the sun or moon. Do not get distracted by doubt or despondency. Build the mansion of your life on four firm pillars: virtue, wealth, desire and liberation (dharma, artha, kama and moksha), the goals of human effort laid down by the ancient sages, each pillar bound strong and safe with every other.
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