Thursday, March 08, 2018

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - March 09, 2018

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
09 Mar 2018
Featured on Radio Sai:
When we perform a worship, what should we observe keenly? What is the most important aspect of a prayer? Bhagawan explains how we sometimes lose the point, with a humorous chinna katha.  

Audio Special:
'Saints - the Soul of India - How Saint Manikkavasagar Melted into Shiva'

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H2H Special:
'Quiz On Uncle Lion’s Tales
- Part 1'

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Sathya Sai Baba

Once a sage had a cat in his hermitage. Whenever he performed a homa (offering oblations to gods into the consecrated fire), the cat frisked about the fire and gave a lot of trouble to him. So he caught it in advance and kept it under an inverted basket for the duration of the homa. His son who watched this operation for years thought that this cat-catching and cat-imprisonment were vital parts of the ritual itself. So he took great trouble to seek out a cat before every homa and felt happy when he got one which he could keep under an inverted basket in the same room. That is an example of meaningless mechanical repetition. Spiritual effort should not become mechanical repetition of set formulae or execution of dry formalities! Remember, your spiritual endeavours must be to attract the grace of God on yourselves. Your spiritual practices must be accompanied by a sincere prayer from the heart!

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1967.

To earn the grace of the divine, the easiest way is to surrender at the feet of the Lord. - Baba



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