Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - July 31, 2017

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
31 July 2017
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why should we be wary of ego especially during our spiritual practices? Bhagawan lovingly presents to us a clear point of view today.  

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The study of texts might remove some wrong notions and induce some right resolutions. But it cannot confer the vision of Reality. Meditation is key to the Atmic treasure which is your real wealth. Your ego always obstructs, even when you meditate. When Sister Nivedita asked for advice from Swami Vivekananda on how to gain one-pointedness during meditation, he said, "Do not allow Margaret Noble to come between you and God!" Margaret Noble was herself. Niveditameans ‘offering’. So Swami Vivekananda advised, "Offer yourself fully to God." This total offering cannot emerge from scholarship. The scholar is polluted by ego; he delights in tabulating pros and cons, raises doubts, disturbs faith and mixes secular and worldly matters with spiritual. Many worship God for worldly gains. Prayers to God must be for spiritual progress. Therefore, cultivate virtues without delay and be free from evil habits, thoughts, words and deeds. Grow in love. This is the way to Ananda (bliss).

- Divine Discourse, Jul 27, 1980.

Sathya Sai Baba
Remove the roots of the weed of egoism from the field of your heart
- that is enough Sadhana. - Baba



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