Monday, December 05, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - December 06, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
06 Dec 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
How can we lead pure lives and why is it necessary to lead such a life? Bhagawan, our loving God, explains to us crisply and clearly.  

Audio Special:
'Worshipping Sai Shiva with Music
- Part 2 of episode aired 
on 27 Feb 2014'

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H2H Special:
'Modern Education's Divine 
Manifestation - Blending the
Ancient with the New'

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Sathya Sai Baba

To develop kshama (forbearance), you must practice four kinds of purity – 1. Dravya Soucham (purity of materials); 2. Manasika Soucham (purity of mind); 3. Vak Soucham (purity in speech); 4. Kriya Soucham(purity in action or purity of body). Purity of materials covers all things used by a person, from clothes, food and cooking utensils to houses, and all the varied things used by a person. Everything that is in daily use should be completely pure. Purity of the mind calls for total elimination of attachments and aversions from the mind. Purity in speech implies avoidance of falsehood, and avoiding abusive language, slanderous gossip and speech that causes pain to others. A vile tongue fouls the mind and dehumanises man. The body has to be purified by performing Achamana with water (this ritual involves uttering the names of the Lord thrice and drinking three spoonfuls of water from the palm).

- Divine Discourse, Jan 7, 1988.

Cultivate your heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. - Baba



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