Monday, November 07, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - November 08, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
08 Nov 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
It is a common practice for us to plan for recreations or vacations, or simply, ‘take a break’. Bhagawan lovingly offers to us an insightful tip so we may always be refreshed and recharged.  

Audio Special:
'Musings by Prof. G. Venkataraman - Dangers of a runaway mind'

Listen Now


H2H Special:
'Sathya Sai Speaks - The True
Mark of Every Personality and
Society - Morality'

Read Now


People today suffer intensely from the fever of the senses and try the quack remedies of recreations, pleasures, vacations, picnics, banquets, dances, etc. only to find that the fever abates but returns after an interval – it does not subside. All the varieties in taste, colour, smell of the various food delicacies, when you consider fairly and squarely, are a mere drug to cure the illness of hunger. All the drinks that people have invented are but drugs to alleviate the illness of thirst. What you term luxury (bhoga) today, is a thing that drags people into excitement and insane pursuits. A fever will go away only when the hidden virus is rendered ineffective. So too, the virus or illness of your mind will die only when the rays of wisdom (Jnana) falls upon it. Discern and always try to prefer the beneficial (hitha) to the pleasant (priya), for the pleasant might lead you down the sliding path into the bottomless pit.

- Divine Discourse, Mar 16, 1966.

Sathya Sai Baba
Be always attentive to the signs of His Glory and His Mercy and His Omnipresence. - Baba



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