Saturday, October 08, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - October 09, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
09 Oct 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
Why is Nature worship worthy? Why should we conserve Nature? On the sacred festival of Dasara, Bhagawan lovingly reminds us of our duty towards the natural resources.  

Audio Special:
'Tryst with Divinity - Conversation with film-maker Mr. Peter Rae'

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H2H Special:
'Serving Love with Love - Dina Dukhiyon Se Prem Karo'

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Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Ayudha Puja at 8:30 a.m. and Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha, Day 5 at 4:40 p.m. (IST) on our website,
Sathya Sai Baba

Dasara is the festival that celebrates the victory of good forces over evil energies. God has expressed Himself as the five natural elements. All creation is but a combination of these in varying proportions. You must use these abundant resources reverentially, with humility and gratitude. You know from experience that excessive quantities of wind, fire or water is injurious to health. If you drink more water than needed, it is a torture. When you inhale more air you will be suffocated and burn with excessive heat. Loud noise beyond a limit is destructive to peace. Hence realise that efficient use of natural resources is a form of worship. Nature (Prakrithi) is, in essence, Divinity itself. The universe is Divine. So tread softly and reverentially. Use them intelligently to promote your own well-being and that of the others. Use the natural resources in moderation and offer loving and intelligent service to the communities you live in.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1966.

Love is the very nature of life, as burning is the nature of fire, or wetness of water,
or sweetness of sugar. - Baba



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