Friday, September 09, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - September 10, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
10 Sep 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
How and why should we chant the Lord’s Name continuously? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.  

Audio Special:
'Saints - the Soul of India 
- Thyagaraja Pancharatnas'

Listen Now


H2H Special:
'When You Serve the Lord with All
Your Heart the Lord Waits to 
Serve you with All His Heart!'

Read Now


Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Programme by Devotees from Kerala at around
4:45 p.m. (IST), Today on our website,

The Vedas teach us that our heart is like a sky and in the sky of our heart, mind is the Moon, eyes and intelligence are like the Sun. In the sky of your heart, treat your thoughts as passing clouds. If in the sky of our heart, there are millions of names of the Lord shining like the stars, and your mind shining like the moon, then you are well-positioned to achieve happiness. Happiness is union with God. Train your minds to be like the full moon and cleanse your hearts. Lord Krishna desires that you keep your mind pure and accept truth and honesty as your foundational life principles. Our own conduct is responsible for the decay or the ageing of our body. Our desires drive our behavior. Do not live in the world to merely fulfill your desires. Pain and pleasure are like passing clouds which move about in our heart. So treat them as such and nothing more.

- Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1976, Ch 11.

Sathya Sai Baba
Fill your hearts with the light of love (Prema) so that the evil qualities of hate, 
greed and conceit find no place therein. - Baba



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