Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - August 03, 2016

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Loving Sai Ram from Prasanthi Nilayam
03 Aug 2016
Featured on Radio Sai:
What should we do to free ourselves from this disease of birth and death? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today with a memorable example from the Gita.  

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'Why & How of Bhajan Singing
- Part 2 of episode aired on
7 Nov 2013'

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H2H Special:
'Sathya Sai Speaks - The Mighty Spiritual Activity - Service'

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You are afflicted with the disease which the Gita can cure, the disease of delusion (moha), which warps your sense of values, fogs your vision and distorts your outlook. But, to benefit from the medicines, you must have the sorrow (vishada) which Arjuna had, the dedication he offered, the detachment he developed and the concentration (ekagrata) he evinced. He was ready to go begging for his livelihood rather than enthrone himself as king after the killing of his kinsmen, teachers and elders. Have that keen yearning; then, the Gita can destroy attachment (moha) and liberate you. Discover for yourself your stage of spiritual development, to which class in the school you fit in. Then determine to proceed from that class to the next higher one. Strive your best and you will win the Grace of God. Do not bargain or despair. One step at a time is enough, provided it is towards the goal, not away from it.

- Divine Discourse Feb 19, 1966.

Sathya Sai Baba
Know that the purpose of human birth is to reach the Lord through worship. - Baba



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