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| 17 July, 2015 | | Featured on Radio Sai: | | | | | What is the cause for unrighteousness to take root in our society and what is the solution? Bhagawan explains and guides us today. | | Audio Special: 'Afternoon Satsang - Dharma - first aired on Thursday Live' Listen Now | | H2H Special: 'Conversations with Sai - Satyopanishad - Part 17' Read Now | | | | | |
Police and law-makers can defeat only external foes; they have no power to destroy internal enemies. They will find the task impossible, for they are not the authorities for that. The internal foes, six enemies(arishadvarga) that operate within a person, can be uprooted only with the teachings of great saints, love for God, and the company of the noble and holy. The world suffers harm at the hands of wicked people when the law-makers responsible for apprehending thieves themselves become entangled with them. Equally, the world becomes enveloped in darker ignorance when righteousness(dharma) is destroyed and those contemplating on the Brahmanincessantly and the ‘great’ spiritual aspirants give up the path of well-being of the world and become victims of sense enjoyment or ambition to earn name and fame. Then suffering will increase every single day. The whole world will bask in peace and joy only when everyone — leaders of countries and spiritual aspirants alike — realize the righteous path and ponder the omnipotence of the Lord. - Prema Vahini, Ch 69. | | |
Causing harm to others in any form is a sign of animality. - Baba |
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